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How to Handle on Line Complaints
….there are always going to be mean spirited people, people who say things on line they would never say to your face, and people who just don’t know better.
and I will tell you, they can ruin your day. I know that most of us get a a lot of love for what we share. But all it takes is one person to say something nasty and all those nice rings go right out the window.
there is a big difference between nasty folks and those who have a legitimate complaint. Let’s focus on those who may be a little disappointed in a product, post or share.
To be successful on line we have to separate how we feel from how we deal. so let’s get to that: READ MORE HERE
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OMG, so many thanks for this post. It's enough to drive me back under my rock. I'm already an introvert battling to get past THAT stumbling block and just when I'm moving along smoothly, *SMACK*
Posted by: Celia | Monday, January 04, 2016 at 01:33 PM
I am so glad this post resonated with you Celia! No matter how tough we might seem those snarky or less than glowing remarks sting! You are not alone my friend! xoxo lisa
Posted by: Lisa Pretto, InkBig Academy | Tuesday, January 05, 2016 at 07:37 AM